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We're in the process of matching you to a local real estate agent to provide home valuation by email.

Appraising Your Property

Exasperated by all the bad loans that toppled the real estate market, many lenders are cautious and skeptical when it comes to appraisals. As a result, to ensure unbiased valuations, they helped write the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC), which prevents mortgage brokers and realtors from picking appraisers. The HVCC stabilizes and standardizes home appraiser rules.

Nowadays, seller must be increasingly ardent and involved to get the most out of their home appraisals. To be sure you get an accurate appraisal, make a list of the improvements you’ve made to your property. Be sure your appraiser is conversant with recent sales of comparable houses. Have your real estate professional present, and bring your most recent tax bill and property survey.

Clean your house meticulously before the appraiser shows up. Ensure your yard is well landscaped and cared for, especially in the front. Getting an appraisal is an important step is assessing your home's value and marketability.


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